Overtraining Will Kill Your Gains
By Chris Aceto
Here is a secret in my contest prep. I work with nut jobs. I am serious. A lot of “my” success with bodybuilders is due to the type of company I keep. I seem to attract obsessive compulsive, super-crazy, hard-training individuals who make my job easy.
Understanding the Glycemic Index
The body must convert the starches and sugars in foods into blood glucose to meet basic energy needs. “Glycemic index” (GI) is the term commonly used to describe how fast the body breaks down starches and sugars after a particular food or beverage is consumed.
Introducing Honey Badger Perfomance Energy
How Honey Badger Performance Energy Works
A successful and balanced workout relies on the fuel you provide for your body.Pre-workout supplements provide an essential boost to energy, endurance, and recovery - though not all pre-workouts are created equal. With so many options available, it is incredibly important to understand exactly what your supplement will do, and how it goes about it.
Alpha Lipoic Acid 101
What is it?
Since it was first isolated in the early 1950’s Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) has proven to be a unique compound capable of producing a myriad of health and physique enhancing benefits. Typically a vitamin or antioxidant is classified as being either fat or water soluble.
Dietary Fat for the Bodybuilder
“Fat” has been a dirty word in nutrition for years. Research in the 70s and 80s linking dietary fat to obesity and heart disease sparked the “fat is evil” movement and health groups starting urging the public to indiscriminately cut the fat from their diets.The food industry has obliged by concocting low fat and fat free versions of just about everything.
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