Mens Physique Articles

Meet MP Competitor Jeremiah Taylor


Meet IMAG0654MP Competitor Jeremiah Taylor.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?

After watching a friend compete in the Branch Warren Classic last July, my son asked me if I was too scared to compete.

Can you tell us a little about the show in which you most recently competed?

I competed in the Dyess Muscle Classic in November on an Air Force Base in Abilene, TX.  It was a smaller show, however, I found my inner showman during that competition.  I got to compete against Tom Blas again.


Back to basics: THREE Superb Back Exercises


Just back drawingbecause you can't see your back in the mirror doesn't mean you shouldn't train it.  A good back will give your physique a wide and powerful look, and it will also give you the illusion of having a smaller waist.  How do you build a strong V shaped back? Read on as I detail my top three back exercises that will hit your lats, middle and lower back...


Put Visualization Into Action!

MostPredictable Outcomes everyone understands that they need to put in work to experience results, however what few understand and even fewer practice is what comes before the work! Newton described action with his Principle of Inertia, in that “an object will continue moving at its current velocity until some force causes its speed or direction to change.” How does this apply to our fitness? Well, read on…


Meet IFBB Pro Cory Lagasse


With Cory Lagasse croppedus today is MP IFBB PRO Cory Lagasse.  Congrats on your success to date!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?

I needed a challenge. I wanted something to motivate me and push me harder with my training.

Can you tell us a little about the show in which you most recently competed?

The last show I competed in was the 2012 Houston Pro. It was the worst finish I’ve had in my Physique career. It was also my IFBB Pro debut.  I was being compared to some of the best physiques in the business and mainly decided to compete because it was the last pro show of the year. I really wanted to see how I compared against some of the other big names in the business before I went into the offseason...


What is 7-Keto



Forketo7 those of you who do not know what 7-Keto is, it is a metabolite of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), which has gained popularity among those who are interested in battling the aging process.  Keto-7 boosts immune function and helps to reduce body fat without the risk of conversion to estrogen and testosterone which characterizes DHEA.  

Keto-7 (or 7-Keto) is a brand name for the chemical 3-acetyl-7-oxo-dehydroepiandros-terone which is a metabolite mainly produced in the adrenal glands and skin as well as the brain.  Levels of this compound rise in the body until about age 20, then start to drop after age 30, declining by 50% by age 50...


Boulders for Shoulders


It’sShoulder for Tim Staggs article been 30 days since you hit my leg workout. I’m hoping you are back to walking normal and you’re ready for a change to your shoulder workout. Here are a FEW TIPS to help maximize the results of the workout. 

TIP 1: When doing shoulders really focus on form and do not sacrifice it no matter what. Shoulders are the easiest body part to injure and many times the most nagging. Shoulder surgery is not fun and can be a 6 month recovery. 

TIP 2: When doing side laterals or front raises make sure you bring the weight SLIGHTLY above the shoulders. I see many people in the gym without a good range of motion and unless you bring that weight SLIGHTLY above the shoulder you will be missing out on some key growth. 


Off-Season to In/On-Season

  If youAndrew Bukowsky are a competitor in bodybuilding or fitness competitions, you are likely familiar with the change from off season to in/on season.  This may be your first time starting on season preparation, but for many of us, we already know this is not an easy adjustment.  When you talk about “off season”, many people take this to mean it’s time to let themselves go and consume any and all foods placed in front of them.  I highly recommend avoiding this approach.  Instead, stay focused on eating clean, but ensure you are maintaining an appropriate caloric surplus.  


The General Adaptation Syndrome



No Scott Fishkind Adaptation Syndromematter how long I’ve been training, or how much I learn, one thing remains the same; my complete and total awe of the vast intelligence contained within the human organism and its ability to adapt to various stimuli.  Resistance training is a perfect example of this! Most experienced trainers know that lower reps and volume, tend to primarily elicit strength gains. These tend to be the result of neurological adaptations (especially in the early stages of training). Protocols based on higher reps and overall training volume tend to be more effective at producing muscle growth (i.e. hypertrophy) via structural changes in the actual muscle tissue itself.


A Beginners Guide to Muscle Building: 5 Mistakes to Avoid


If Fat-Guy-with-Pink-Dumbbellyou are just getting started with weight training, it can be confusing. You don’t know exactly who you to listen to, everybody seems to have the answers. If you are a complete novice it can be totally over whelming. Do you do straight sets or supersets or giant sets? Do you need post workout carbs? Should you do a split or full body routine? What about high reps to ‘tone’? If you do a Google search on ‘weightlifting for beginners’ there are over 568k results. That is one variation of one term. Everybody has an opinion, from your fat co-worker who thinks they know the best way to get ripped, to Dr. Oz who seems put his name on anything and everything under the sun, provided they pay him for it.   Just a word of advice, the vast majority of information you need to transform your body is available online for free. Browse this website and you’ll get more information than you know what to do with, all without paying a penny. 


The Importance of Digestive Enzymes

EnzymesDigestive Enzymes are amazing protein molecules which speed up chemical reactions in the body involved in everything from digestion to breathing, cell growth and molecular transportation.  The reason why digestive enzymes have been developed and marketed is that many people eat such horrible foods in their diets that they need assistance in processing those foods.  In addition, enzyme production drops as we get older compromising our optimal body function.  Processed foods are notorious for challenging the digestive tract because enzymes which are found naturally in foods are destroyed when they are processed.  Even cooked foods rely on the body’s digestive enzymes, and since there is a shrinking pool of enzymes as we get older, digestive problems may arise.  


Stay Cold-Free in The Gym


How lysolmany times have you seen someone leave the restroom without washing their hands as they head out into the weight area? What about that gal that coughs into her hands then grabs the handle of the elliptical machine? And, let’s not forget about the guy that drips sweat all over the weight bench. All of these people are potential shedders and spreaders of infection.

Infections can be spread in the air but they are often transmitted by fomites. Fomites are inanimate objects that can become contaminated by an infected person then serve as a source infection for others. The best fomites are non-porous, solid objects like door handles, elevator buttons and counters just to name a few. Once infected by sweat, saliva, etc. these surfaces are capable of transmitting bacterial, viral and fungal infections without discrimination.



ThereIronMan Magazine Real Picture p. 150-151 are many great agents and managers in the entertainment and modeling business.  I have the great pleasure of working with great agencies and an awesome manager.  Unfortunately, there are many FAKERS that aren't even in the industry that are looking to take advantage of people new to the business.  Recently, I was approached by a FAKER.  I have been in the business long enough to sniff out  BS.  As soon as I got my first sniff of dung from this guy I knew what  I had to do.  As the Editor-in-Chief of MensPhysique.com I owe it to our readers, my fellow competitors and hopeful fitness models to expose guys like this.  With this tought in mind, I decided to egg him on and see what all he had to say.  Consequenly, I was able to get him to expose his ignorance while at the same time collecting information to share with you.  This will teach you the right questions to ask to find out if someone is legit.  Following is the actual conversation

Jonathan GQ

hey studd

Sign with anyone modeling agency wise or interested? Add me on Facebook and follow me On Instagram for details about Fitness modeling here in NYC

Ian Lauer Ifbb Pro

Already represented. Thanks though!


Meet MP Competitor Mateo Aguirre


WithMateoAguirre3 us today is MP Competitor Mateo Aguirre.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?

I finally found the courage in the summer of 2011 to pull the trigger and prep for my first bodybuilding competition for the fall of 2012.  Everything was going according to plan but 3 weeks before the Adela Classic; I was encouraged by my coach to give the Physique division a shot before I got too lean and to give me an idea and “taste” of what it would be like to prep and step on stage. Well, I liked that taste so much that I ended up doing 6 shows in about 4 months and pretty much put bodybuilding prep on the back burner- for now. My Auspicious Journey has just begun.


Success in Failure



WeTom Before and After hit the gym, the track, pool, or cycling circuit with limitations and established parameters of strength and conditioning based on our current fitness levels.  In order to improve conditioning and strength, we MUST push our bodies beyond failure.  When we go down to do a push-up for example and stop at 20 reps when we might have been able to do 25, we are not doing ourselves justice towards reaching our full potential!


3 Six Pack Myths and 1 Answer


How tom cinzori absmany times have you spent the last half of your workout on the special ab machine at the gym or doing countless sit-ups only to see no results? You’ve done every abdominal workout that you’ve heard of to no avail. Are you finding that getting that ever elusive six pack you want to show off in your board shorts seems unattainable. Here are 3 “Six pack” myths that may be holding you back or at least wasting your time.


Meet MP Competitor Chris "Protein" Leach



With Chris Leach 1us today is Chris “Protein” Leach. Congrats on a great showing! What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
Before I got into Men’s Physique I had been weight lifting for a long time mainly just as a way to stay fit and healthy and to help me perform better in rugby, which I played throughout college. I eventually had to quit rugby due to class schedule conflicts, but I still had the drive to compete. About the time I was wondering what I should do with my athletic background and competitive drive, my girlfriend decided she wanted to compete in an NPC bikini competition. While checking out the bikini competitions online, we discovered the Men’s Physique category. It looked like a lot of fun to me, so I told her I would do the Men’s Physique division at the same show she did her bikini competition. I ended up doing two back to back shows, the NPC Texas State Naturals and the NPC Lackland Classic. I met a lot of great people at both of the shows, learned a ton, and really enjoyed competing!


Chest Training - Train for Growth Not for Ego!



“How much do you bench?” Adam Bates Chest  Workout ArticleAs you are reading this article, I am sure that is a question that you have been asked many times. It seems to be the measure of alpha male prowess when you are chatting to someone in a bar. You are rarely asked, “how much do you deadlift?” or “how much do you squat?” Yet out of these movements I have mentioned, the bench press is probably the one where technique between training for a maximal lift and training for aesthetics varies quite considerably. Sure there may be slight changes in feet placement when deadlifting or squatting for a maximal lift as opposed to when focusing on muscular aesthetics, but for the most part the technique is the same. The bench press however is quite different. For this reason it is no wonder that one of the most common errors I see in the gym is a guy trying to push as much weight as possible for reps on a bench press rather than focusing on working the muscle group they are trying to improve. This then spills over to other chest exercises too. Let’s take cable crossovers for example, it seems that the “cable-press-over” has become one of the most common moves you will see in most gyms! With the focus on moving as much weight as they can, a trainer ends up doing something closer to a press with cables rather than a crossover.


How NOT To Get Sponsored



Everyonehorrible way to approach a supplement company is looking for a sponsorship. Many people bring a lot to the table. Some of these folks know how to leverage what they bring to actually benefit the company they are courting. It is only a select few of these athletes that actually find their way into spokesperson positions. As you can imagine, it is not an easy position to attain and there are many worthy athletes that unfortunately are unable to land the coveted spot.

All that being said, it is imperative that you understand the power of your social media presence if you want to be one of those few that get the position. Your presence online and your ability to live up to it in person WILL MAKE or BREAK YOU! We have recently had a couple of articles here on MensPhysique.com teaching you how to land that sponsorship, so I won’t keep harping on specifics at this point. What I will do is share with you a real life HYSTERICAL attempt at getting sponsored.


Fenugreek Enhances Performance



Fenugreek fenugreek leaves and seeds (1)(Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a plant indigenous to India and Northern Africa that has demonstrated effectiveness in treating sexual dysfunction and which can increase sexual arousal partially by boosting testosterone levels. Fenugreek also has a myriad of other benefits, among them reductions in cholesterol and lower fasting blood glucose levels in diabetics. For this article, let’s focus on performance related benefits which fenugreek offers.

A 2011 study which examined the effects of 600 milligrams of fenugreek extract versus placebo in men who suffered from erectile dysfunction found a significant increase in sexual arousal and stamina in the men who were supplemented with fenugreek. Fenugreek also helped to maintain a normal testosterone level in the test subjects. For many men, that is reason enough to supplement with this plant, but fenugreek also has a beneficial effect on body composition and strength.


Three Tips To Shrink Your Fat Cells





BeingTim Robers Rope involved in the Fitness Industry has given me the pleasure of meeting some very educated professionals. I have used the techniques and methods they described to me over the years with great success. That being said, I wanted to share with you some of the amazing ways to minimize your Body Fat and encourage some stubborn fat to say “Good Bye!”


1-Sip Green Tea Before You Eat.

A hot cup of tea 20 minutes prior to a meal may help you eat fewer calories, as well as provide your body with ALA. ALA is an acid used to help you body produce energy with your food. Better yet, Chinese white tea actually reduces the growth of new fat in the body and breaks down fat in existing cells.


Birth of the Super Carb?


There HBCDseems to be an evolution underway when it comes to carbohydrate drinks with the introduction of Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin (HBCD).  HBCD’s are a new type of glucose polymer that is produced by a reaction between waxy maize starch and a special branching enzyme, forming a cyclical structure.


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