As I prepare for my upcoming photo shoots, I am constantly searching for new ways to help me in my fight against hunger. Dropping body fat and cutting weight is not easy, especially when you wait till the last minute like I tend to do. Crash course diets will only leave you rebounding and gaining weight back immediately after you go back to normal life. I have compiled a list of 10 of my favorite items that I have stumbled upon in my quest to stay shredded...
It used to be accepted in the fitness world that brown rice was the healthier option and the best rice to include in your diet when body fat levels are a concern. But recently opinion has become divided as to which is the better choice, so it’s not surprising that one of the most common questions I am asked is:
“Is it better to include brown rice in my diet as opposed to white?”
But as you will see, perhaps the better question to ask would be:
“Is it better to include long grain rice in my diet as opposed to short grain?”
As I touched on with my previous article, there are many important factors to consider during a mass gaining phase that are often over-looked and a mass gaining phase is rarely given the same attention to detail that a trainee would give their pre-contest diet.
One thing in particular that is often overlooked during a mass gaining phase is the negative impact of a prolonged caloric surplus and increased amounts of carbohydrates. As you may know, during a dieting phase, metabolic and hormonal adaptations occur that negatively impact muscle mass and fat burning potential. These include a reduction in resting testosterone levels, a rise in cortisol levels and the metabolic rate begins to decrease.
We all know nutrition is the number one factor in fat loss or building muscle, yet it is still the biggest issue we have in achieving our goals. It's not that we don't want to achieve those goals, but more that we let ourselves get in our own way. So here are the tips I use to help my clients and myself achieve success.
Don't keep junk in the house: This has to be the number one rule to success. It's pretty simple, if there is not junk in the house then there is no way you can eat it.
Always wait 15 minutes after you eat before eating more:
Many cities across the country dispatch health inspectors to monitor the food safety of restaurants and eateries open to the public. In addition to providing these records online, cities like Washington, DC require restaurants to post their most recent health inspection grades prominently in the windows of their establishment. These grades serve notice to all, regarding the quality of that restaurants cleanliness.
So, what does this have to do with bodybuilding? A lot, actually...
Food prep continues to be a tedious process for me, despite the fact that it is a regular occurrence. I am sure many of you can relate to such woes and are searching for ways to cut prep time down so you can take care of more important things in life. Usually I roast sweet potatoes in the oven, but I was particularly unmotivated the other evening and decided to adopt a lazy approach while still using the delicious marinade I typically mix up. I use a heavy hand with the spices because I want that holiday flavor, so you might want to cut down the portion of spices if you want a more basic flavor.
Are you looking to slash some major fat or just wrap up a couple finishing touches? Either way, one or all of these three tips may contain the answer for which you have been looking.
1. REDUCE CALORIE CONSUMPTION. Unless you restrict calorie intake, you won't lose belly fat...
The United States of America has an obesity problem. Shocker, right? Clearly you weren’t surprised by this fact, but you might find it interesting to know that obese people may be addicted to food. That’s right, addicted to food.
Now that I have your attention, let’s discuss.
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