After Hours Radio

After Hours Radio (5-11-12): Jimmy Hates Love, Dave Offers Jimmy a Movie Role, Pete Has Q's for The Prez!


Jimmy the Bull thinks love is nothing more than B.S.!


When Dave Palumbo brings up the notion of "swingers", Jimmy "The Loveless Bull" Pellechia gives his very strong opinion of love and relationships!


Dave then offeres Jimmy The Bull an opportunity to get a role in one of John Travolta's movies, but there's a catch.  How far will Jimmy go to get an acting credit in one of Travolta's movies?


Pete the Intern has some interesting questions for The President, and Jeff The Producer joins in as always on another episode of After Hours featuring the Whack Pack!


After Hours Radio (5-4-12): Jimmy Pellechia gets insanely drunk, Dave loves Fresh Balls, Jeremy brings in a Pineapple!


Jimmy the Bull drinks himself into the ground!


Dave Palumbo can't get enough Fresh Balls, and has Jimmy "The Obviously Drunk" Bull Pellechia try it out for the first time.  Jimmy seems to think it's the greatest thing since Bolognese!


Jeremy the Casting Director decides to show up after a long hiatus, and gives an update on Magnus The Superstar!  He also brings a pineapple and feeds Dave and Jimmy throughout the show!


Pete the Intern tries to contribute and Jeff The Producer joins in as always, only on After Hours with the Whack Pack! 


After Hours Radio (4-27-12): Jimmy tries out his new bars, Pete's "Fresh Balls" & Jeff The Producer Hosts!


Jimmy The Bull teaches Pete the Intern how to keep a girl interested!


Jimmy The "I Don't Need To Impress Her" Bull Pellechia teaches Pete the Intern the one secret to keeping the woman of his dreams.  Or, at least how to get her to think you're worth a second date!


Jeff the Producer introduces Jimmy the Bull to Dave Palumbo's new favorite product: Fresh Balls. 


Meanwhile, Jimmy gets to try out his brand new bar, "The Crazy Bull Bar" for the first time.  Does he like it?  Will he try to make it a retail hit?


Find out tonight, as Jeff The Producer hosts this episode of After Hours featuring the Whack Pack!



After Hours Radio (4-20-12): Dave's "Fresh Balls", Angry Bull Bars & Celebrity Downfalls!


Dave Palumbo likes to have "Fresh Balls"!


Dave Palumbo isn't afraid to admit he needs to have "Fresh Balls".  That's why he purchased a tube of a product with that same name and gets Pete the Intern to test it on himself.  What are the results?


Dave isn't afraid to tell the world how much he hates Kim Kardashian, and Jeff The Producer asks him why he has such an aversion towards the reality-tv star! 


Although Jimmy "The Inventive Bull" Pellechia couldn't make it to the studio, his "Angry Bull" supplement bars have arrived and the crew gets to try them out.  The results?  It's a hit!


It's another crazy episode of After Hours with the Whack Pack!


After Hours Radio (4-13-12): Jimmy's Sexual Escapades, Pete's Italian Food & Jeff The Producer Hosts!


Jimmy Shares Sex Stories, Pete Learns about Italian Food & Jeff The Producer Hosts!!


Jeff The Producer finally asks Jimmy "THE OUTRAGED BULL" Pellechia why he has such hatred towards pick-up coach Jeff Magic, and sets the parameters for their upcoming "challenge" to see who can get Pete to pick up more women!



Jimmy then tells Pete the Intern about a clever method he uses to determine whether an Italian restuarant is good or not.  When Jeff The Producer asks one simple question about a dish he mentions, Jimmy goes absolutely insane, as he never has before!  You gotta hear it to believe it!



Finally, Jimmy "The Romantic Bull" comes clean about his numerous sexual escapades throughout his life, which involves owning a supplement store which doubled as his personal fortress-of-women! 



Jeff The Producer hosts this episode of After Hours with the Whack Pack!


After Hours Radio (4-7-12): Dave's Fish Fetish, Jimmy's New Supplement, Pete's Pick Up Lines!


Dave Palumbo's new Palumbo Keto Bar!


Dave Palumbo has a new hobby, and it's salt water fish!  He installed a brand new 250 pound tank in his home office, and Jimmy "The Creative Bull" Pellechia suggests that a stripper should be living in the tank being fed sushi during the show!



Pete The Intern continues to pick up women using the now infamous "Jeff Magic" method, and Jimmy thinks Jeff Magic is backing off of the challenge on who can make Pete get more women!  



Dave orders a prototype of his work in progress "Palumbo Keto Bar", and helps Jimmy The Bull create his very own "health food bar".  Wait until you hear what Jimmy puts into his custom made supplement!



Jeff The Producer joins in as always, on this Good Friday edition of After Hours featuring the Whack Pack!



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