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Heavy Muscle Radio (9/22/14): 2014 Mr. Olympia Recap Plus biggest highlights of the weekend!


Palumbo and Aceto recap the 50th Anniversary Olympia Weekend LIVE from Las Vegas, Nevada.  Did Heath deserve victory number 4?  What caused Kai Greene to meltdown in Vegas?  Did Flex Lewis deserve to beat Eduardo Correa? And, what were the biggest highlights of the weekend?
With Heavy Muscle Radio; The Truth Hurts! 


Heavy Muscle Radio (9/15/14): Preview Of The 50th Anniversary Olympia Weekend!


Palumbo and Aceto preview the upcoming 50th Anniversary Olympia Weekend.  Can Heath take home Sandow #4?  Will Kai Greene bring his best; or fall short again?  Is this the year of the Wolf?   And can Big Rami live up to all of the hype?
Plus, Can Adela Garcia win record-setting Fitness Olympia win #9?  And will Iris Kyle become the first person to capture Olympia title #10?


Heavy Muscle Radio (9/8/14):2014 Canadian Nationals Mens Bodybuilding Overall Champion Jerome Bravo!


Aceto and Palumbo talk about the upcoming 50th Anniversary Olympia Weekend.  Can Heath win again?  What will it take for Kai Greene to take home the victory?   Can Flex Lewis be beat in the 212 Division? 
2014 Canadian Nationals Mens Bodybuilding Overall Champion Jerome Bravo calls in to discuss him pro card-winning victory.  Find out how Bravo went from 11th place at last years contest to the overall champ in 12 short months. 
Plus, Ask Dave and Stump the Jumbo returns!



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