This Thursday at 4 pm (EST), tune in for the sixth installment of RxMuscle's new show "Ask Dave" - powered by SPECIES Nutrition - starring Dave Palumbo in a 30-minute forum where users will have the opportunity to ask Dave anything.
This Wednesday at 4 pm (EST), tune in for the second installment of RxMuscle's new show "Ask Dave" - powered by SPECIES Nutrition - starring Dave Palumbo in a 30-minute forum where users will have the opportunity to ask Dave anything.
This Thursday at 6 pm (EST), debuts it's new show "Ask Dave" - powered by SPECIES Nutrition - starring Dave Palumbo in a 30-minute forum where users will have the opportunity to ask Dave anything.
A message to Dave from his Rx family, fans and friends from the 2012 Phoenix Europa GET FIT & Sports Expo - and Bros V Pros 12. Also includes video messages sent in from some of Dave's biggest fans!