Dave Palumbo launches into the good, the bad, the ugly about HRT. A comprehensive "what you should know" about HRT for bodybuilding and overall health.
Dave Palumbo responds to Phil Heath's comments regarding today's bodybuilding social media scene and the new age media and commentators that shape today's narrative.
Dave Palumbo discusses how and where one can get insulin over-the-counter for a very affordable price, a game-changer for bodybuilders and for those that need insulin for general health (diabetes, etc).
Dave Palumbo talks about the "relentless pursuit" to achieving 315 lbs in his bodybuilding prime.
Palumbo defends Dauda, in that he did as he was told to do, and yet was still denied - and had his entire prep wasted.
Dave Palumbo responds to news that an Planet Fitness location asked a customer to leave (later calling the police when she refused) because they found her shorts offensive.
Dave Palumbo talks about the importance (and sheer ease) of testing blood sugar levels, with testing devices available for less than $10 from your local pharmacy.
**EXCLUSIVE** The late Rich Piana's Mother and brother share statements with Dave Palumbo.