Ben White's Journey to the 2011 Flex Pro- Journal #3

With 2 weeks to go till the FLEX Pro, I've begun my purification process.  Every evening I light a huge bonfire in my backyard, do some Indian chants and incantations, and I channel my Indian spirits (ed note: Ben believes that all black people have a little Indian blood in them). Just last night, while in the backyard, as the sweat BenWhite4trickled down my face and I gazed through the beads of water that dripped from my eyebrows, I had a premonition!  The Showstopper has been reborn!  The spirits told me that I will "soar like the eagle" and all the fans, judges, and press will get a chance to see the emergence of the new Ben White come February 19th in Santa Monica, California.


By now, I know that all of you must be thinking to yourselves, Ben White has lost his mind.  But never doubt The Showstopper!  I know in my heart that the visions I see, repeatedly, will be exactly what I will present to the judges on contest day.  I believe this to be true with everything ounce of conviction I have in my soul!  See you next week!

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