Although Peak's demise left me with a huge debt, it provided me with some good opportunities and I went on to work as a consultant for four different sports nutrition companies for some pretty amazing fees (didn't these guys know I was a few semesters shy of even getting my bachelor's degree?). Eventually, I left the big guys and opted to work for a small little company that I felt good about. I worked with Beverly International for eight years and they are still like a family to me. In the span of the past decade I have had eighty to a hundred published articles and feel like I have really helped a lot of people reach their goals. Now here I am back with Dave and John Romano working on Rx Muscle and I have to tell you, I'm pretty excited about the possibilities.
So in this column, I plan to cover a wide gamut of topics, focusing on some alternative input. You can expect athlete profiles, info on strength athletes, new products, opinions and gossip... pretty much whatever is rolling around in my gourd. Let's roll.
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