It seems that every day I’m saying that the Men’s Physique Division is growing by leaps and bounds. Today is no different. It is now becoming commonplace to have Men’s Physique Pro shows taking place in multiple locations in the USA simultaneously. This weekend was another such weekend. Just weeks after the 2014 Olympia, IFBB Men’s Physique competitors on both sides of the country and everywhere in between flocked to either coast to start on their chase of the 2015 Olympia stage. On the east side of the US we had the Ft. Lauderdale Cup taking place Florida. In the west the Titan’s Grand Prix was a hit.
The Ft. Lauderdale cup experienced a solid turnout of 22 MP Pros. Matt Acton pulled in the 1st place coming off of a solid 2014 Olympia appearance. The remainder of the Top 5 went to Michael Ferguson, Anton Antipov, Emmanuel Banks and David Herskovitz finishing 2nd, through 5th respectively. Following is the complete list of placings for the Ft. Lauderdale show.
1. Matthew Acton
2. Michael Ferguson
3. Anton Antipov
4. Emmanuel Banks
5. David Herskovitz
6. Joe Cantu
7. Butch Rolle
8. Jermaine Ward
9. Jacques Dalce
10. Pierre Vuala
11. Andre Adams
12. Chris Griffin
13. Denis Gusev
14. Brian Epstein
15. Geobanny Paula
16. Aaron O'Connell
16. Daniel Garcia
16. Justin Busiere
16. Michael Feeks
16. Muhsin Nasir
16. Ron Knighton
16. Sheridan Hause
For complete contest pictures click through to this rxmuscle gallery link:
On the west coast at the Titans Grand Prix they had not only an Open Class but also a 40+ Masters Class. Both groups had a number of impressive physiques take the stage. Familiar name Xavsius Gayden took the 1st out of 24 competitors in Open while Donte Tanner walked away with 1st place of the nine competitors in the 40+ Masters Division. Here are the final placings for both groups.
1. Xavius Gayden
2. Jake Alvarez
3. Arya Saffaie
4. Joseph Lee
5. Dean Balabis
6. Nick Adams
7. Kyle Moore
8. Michael Saffaie
9. Donte Tanner
10. Jonny Bernstein
11. Tyler Anderson
12. Greg Jones
13. Carlos Ferrer
14. T.A. Martin
15. Darnell Moss
16. Kameron Bailey
16. Mariusz Czerniewicz
16. Murat Demir
16. Robert Simpson
16. Rodney Razor
16. Ronald Alexander
16. Todd Abrams
16. Tony Tirado
16. Tracy Burr
40+ Masters Division
1. Donte Tanner
2. Ronald Alexander
3. Greg Jones
4. Robert Simpson
5. Murat Demir
6. Tony Tirado
7. Todd Abrams
8. James Pante
9. Tracy Burr
It's safe to say that the new MP season is off to a very strong start. I look forward to many more top notch shows this year and would not at all be surprised to hear of more and more Pro and Masters Pro divisions being added to shows across the country.
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