Often, I witness poor or incorrect form being practiced in the gym and ultimately this will lead to those people having a weak core. But what is the core? It is comprised of the muscles that provide core stability. These are the muscles that link the abdominal region, to the shoulder girdle, and also the pelvic region.
Different experts include different muscles in relation to the core but in general the muscles of the core run the length of the trunk and torso. The following list includes the most commonly identified core muscles as well as the lesser known groups.
Rectus Abdominis - located along the front of the abdomen, this is the most well-known abdominal muscle and is often referred to as the "six-pack" due to its appearance in fit and thin individuals.
Erector Spinae- This group of three muscles runs along your neck to your lower back. (Multi-Colored Diagram)
Multifidus - located under the erector spinae along the vertebral column, these muscles extend and rotate the spine.
External Obliques - located on the side and front of the abdomen. (IN RED)
Internal Obliques - located under the external obliques, running in the opposite direction.
Transverse Abdominis (TVA) - This is the deepest of the 6 ab muscles and is located under the obliques. It wraps around the torso, creating an effect similar to a back support belt thus helping with posture
Exercising the core muscles helps to stabilize the torso providing a strong stable base. A healthy diet and regular exercise will assist in improving general core appearance as well. The question though is, "What exercises REALLY help increase core strength and stability?" Let’s focus on exercises and not circus acts.
The following exercises are great for developing the core:
- Plank: Start on elbows and knees, locking hands together. Straighten legs and raise your body so that you're supported by the balls of your feet, with feet hip-distance apart. Face the floor, being careful not to arch your back or stick your bottom too high in the air. Hold this position for 45 seconds to begin with, extending the time as you get stronger.
- Side plank: Lay on your right side, propped up on your elbow and forearm. Let your left foot rest on top of your right, and then push up so that your body forms a perfect triangle with the floor. Don't let your left shoulder roll forward or back. Hold the position for as long as you can, then repeat on the other side
-Supermans: Lay face down on a mat with your arms stretched above your head (like superman), then raise your right arm and left leg about 5-6 inches off the ground, then hold for 3 seconds and relax, then repeat with the opposite arm and leg.
-V – Ups: Lay on your back and bend at the waist as you extend your legs and arms into the air to form a “V.”, try to hold this position for as long as you can. Then return to your starting position slowly but before you reach the floor, stop and hold the position for a few seconds.
Repeat this entire movement several times.
- Kneeling Ab Wheel Exercise: Start by kneeling on an exercise mat and start with your thighs at 90 degrees to the floor, brace your core and slightly tilt your pelvis back (this will stop your lower back from arching). Hold the wheel with both hands directly below your shoulders, keeping your arms straight. Then slowly roll the wheel forward as far as you can go keeping good form. Then crunch your abs and roll back into the starting position. Repeat this entire movement several times.
If you do not have a ab wheel then you can also use a long bar to achieve the same movement
1. You can also incorporate the Swiss ball into the plank, simply place your elbows on the ball for stability with your back straight and the balls of your feet on the floor, this should make the exercise that bit more challenging.
2. Slouching can sabotage your six-pack. If you have an office job and are constantly slumped over your computer then try to keep your spine erect at all times as this will help strengthen the core. Stay tall through your hips and keep your head up and shoulder blades back and down all day long.
3. Core muscles contract first in every exercise so if you have a weak core then your potential to build additional muscle will be reduced due to the lack of core strength. In other words, the energy you exert originates in your torso, before being transferred to your arms and legs. Ultimately a weak core reduces the amount of force you're able to apply to a barbell.
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