

Rx Girl Articles

Snap, Crackle, POP! Common Injuries for Bodybuilders

anatomy-of-the-elbowSnap, Crackle, POP! Common Injuries for Bodybuilders


There are 206 bones in the body, about 650 muscles, and 187 joints. That makes for a lot of potential injuries.  Most of the time, we don’t think about injuring our precious bodies during our workouts.  We think of ourselves as Michelangelo, trying to sculpt every muscle into the perfection we desire. Though the human form is a beautiful masterpiece, if we are not careful a small strain can turn into months of rehab. And rehab sucks!


Stop Lurking, Start Posting: How Forums Can Help You Market and Promote Yourself!

forumsStop Lurking, Start Posting: How Forums Can Help You Market and Promote Yourself!


We know you’re online! We see you reading the forums, so why not post? 

Here are the top five excuses and why every one of them is just that… an excuse! You are missing out on one of the easiest and best ways to market and promote yourself, not to mention building new friendships, relationships and learning from others.  Sometimes in this world, it’s not what you know, but WHO you know that matters!


Exhibition "Four Women" Looked at the World in a Different Way

C44W4251Exhibition "Four Women" Looked at the World in a Different Way

Is our every move actually a part of life's dance? Are we aware of our moves and can we fully control them?

These are the questions I asked myself when renowned Slovenian photographer Franci Virant and costume designers Mete Bizjan and Irene Mrhar (One Fiction Factory) asked me to participate in their exhibition. 

Their project, titled "Four Women", presented four women



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