

HIT, FST7, Core Training...What Does It All Mean???

HIT, FST7, Core Training...What Does It All Mean???

Thanks to Eugen Sandow, bodybuilding has been around since the late 19th century, which has given the industries top level nutritionist, gurus, and training experts plenty of time to create and re-create new training methods designed to challenge our bodies and get them into prime physical condition!

The problem at this point is there are a lot of buzz words going around and can often be over whelming and confusing! Today we're going to discuss the top three heavy hitters at the moment: HIT, FST-7, and core training. Well go into high level detail so you can finally make sense of them all, evaluate your personal goals and choose which method is right for YOU!


The HIT Training method has been around since 1970s, but is coming back into full cycle now with some of the top level bodybuilders (such as Dorian Yates) in the industry. The point of HIT or High Intensity Interval Training is to achieve massive gains in a very short amount of time.

HIT training method is described as doing very HIGH intensity workouts in short burst.  Focus is on training each muscle group until total muscular failure. At first the trainees should focus on very STRICT form and using a lighter weight with a slower rep cadence. As the strength of the muscle group increases the weight used should increase progressively.

HIT training also focuses on rest and recovery more so than any other training method as it is a method based off of INTENSITY. So the more intense the training, logically the more rest/recovery your muscles will need to repair and therefore grow.

This training method can work great for you if you're on a tight schedule with not a lot of time to dedicate to the gym, yet you want to reach your fitness goals.


Thanks goes to Hany Rambod for the creation of this next training method. Many Pros (like Jay Cutler) have attributed this training method to finally be able to push their body through a plateau and increase muscle gains. The problem some bodybuilders have which seems to ‘limit' how much they can grow is there predetermined genetic ‘Fascia' which is the thin layer of muscle tissue that surrounds the actual muscle. The fascia is the limiting factor in achieving muscle growth because the muscle will grow only as much as there is room for it to do so.  This training system is targeted to stretch the fascia and allow more room, instead of limiting muscle growth. The goal is to bring as much vitamins/minerals, amino acids, oxygen etc. into the muscle, and also stretch the fascia surrounding it to help encourage maximal muscle growth.  It is also encouraged to stay very hydrated throughout the work out and to stretch frequently between sets to also increase muscle ‘pump' thereby stretching the fascia even further.

The 7 in "FST-7" refers to the final exercise per body part trained. Typically one would train that body part as heavy as you normally would keeping the rep range between 8-12, but the last exercise, you'll perform the seven sets to finish off that particular muscle, with minimal rest in between to get the best pump possible.

A typical FST-7 Split:

Day One: Bi's/Tri's/Calves
Day Two: Legs
Day Three: Off
Day Four: Chest and Tri's
Day Five: Back and Claves
Day Six: Shoulders and Bi's
Day Seven: Off

FST-7 would be a great training method to try to change things up in your routine, especially if you have time to dedicate yourself to the gym for 5 days. It also could be a great new method to incorporate into your workouts if you're looking to bring up a certain lagging body part. You're fascia might be to blame.


Finally our last training method on the menu today is called ‘Core Training'. Core training focuses primarily on the midsection to achieve that ever so elusive "six pack".  There are several specific exercises that can help you achieve a flat stomach and tight abs. Most people think that this just involves doing hundreds of crunches everyday but actually that doesn't work like most people would think. It is also important to keep your heart rate up to achieve maximum fat loss. You can achieve this by throwing in a bit of variety like bicycle sprints, cable crunches, toe touches and adding weight to your normal exercises and of course you can throw some regular crunches in here and there.


At this point you should be somewhat educated on what all these ‘buzz words' mean at least to keep up that communication going with the new hottie at the gym.  All of the training methods listed above are a great way to freshen up your workout routine and maybe even break through that plateau you've been hanging on to. So take this with you, evaluate where you see yourself by the next season and devise a plan that works for YOU. It may involve one method, or all three!

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