

RX Girl Product Review: S.A.N. Nutrition's Green Supreme Fusion

001RX Girl Product Review: S.A.N. Nutrition's Green Supreme Fusion

Wouldn’t it be great to take the guess work out of supplementation? You would think that a single multivitamin should do the trick, but you can leave that where you found it...in the 1980s...

Everyday there seems to be new health epidemics, concerns or discoveries where we can’t even feel at ease with the air we breathe or the food we eat. With the economy at its current state, most of us don’t have the means or time to buy organic products or research which supplements to take to prevent illness. This is where S.A.N. Nutrition comes into play with one of its latest products, “Green Supreme Fusion”.

The scientists over at S.A.N. headquarters have truly outdone themselves with this superfood product by going above and beyond the mainstream superfood standard. But first let me tell you why you would NOT being doing your body any good from omitting “Green Supreme Fusion” in your daily routine. The main draw for me is the highly potent antioxidant ingredients. Antioxidants are the superheroes that fight the age inducing enemy free radicals and slow down the body’s aging process both internally and externally. Antioxidants have a plethora of health benefits such as lowering the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Aesthetically, they impede the appearance of wrinkles, reduce acne and inflammation, while maintaining softness and youthfulness in the skin.

Have you ever wondered what the acronym “S.A.N.” stands for? Scientifically Advanced Nutrition and they sure live up to their name. Any company can throw the highest quality ingredients in a bottle and say it’s the best thing on the market. Sure, 006that’s what I would believe too! But the brains behind S.A.N. aren’t the impulsive “let’s make a buck fast” type. Through research and careful blending of its nutrient blends, all the ingredients (omega-3s, amino acids, Veggie Power Blend, Phyto Nutrient Adaptogenic Sea Algae Blend, vitamins, minerals and organic whole plant foods) work congruently to ensure your body benefits every nutrient. Did you know that having too much of one vitamin or mineral can nullify other vital vitamins and minerals? Unless you were a science nerd in high school, then it’s likely you didn’t know (it’s okay, you can admit it).

Our intestines house the “good” kind of bacteria, but how can we supplement that through yogurt if we’re sensitive to dairy? “GSF” contains both prebiotic (dietary fibre that triggers the growth of bacteria which has beneficial effects on the intestinal flora) and probiotics (the “good” bacteria in food such as yogurt that delivers itself through consumption to the large intestine). These two work complementary to one another in aiding digestion and may relieve any digestive ailments.

I can’t say enough good things about this product! The taste! Oh, the taste… I’ve tried other greens products over the years where I had to plug my nose and gulp it down. Not with “GSF”! It has a pleasantly sweet taste that’s NATURALLY flavored with Stevia.

Here are some highlights of S.A.N.’s “Green Supreme Fusion”:
·    One serving contains more vitamins, minerals, amino acids, 002omega-3s and antioxidants than 5 servings of fruit and vegetables
·    Strengthens the immune system to ward off colds and flu and improves the body’s alkalinity to decrease susceptibility to disease
·    Detoxifies and cleanses the body inside for brighter and healthier skin outside
·    Extremely high levels of free radical fighting antioxidants
·    Contains prebiotics and probiotics
·    Saves time and money from dozens of supplement bottles and your grocery bill
·    Vegan friendly, NON genetically modified and gluten free

My favorite way of enjoying “GSF” is mixed with a scoop of S.A.N.’s “Platinum Isolate Supreme” protein powder for a combined 29g of protein and delicious taste!
There are some things that should remain locked in the 80s like fashion, hairstyles, pet rocks and inferior multivitamins. Everything evolves through time but when it comes to your health, it’s better to prevent than look back in regret (shoulder pads, acid wash jeans, permed hair, mullets…need I say more?).


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