Reps, Sets, Weight... Let's Go!
Hi Rx Muscle Girls,
For the most part in this article I would be preaching to the choir, but for those who are just getting started it may be just what is needed to take your workouts to the next level.
One area that I'm asked about almost every day is regarding weight lifting. Now as a personal trainer for over 18 years, there's really not much I haven't heard from both male and female clients and members throughout the years but this is one that always comes up... Reps, Sets and Weights. Or to be more exact: How much Weight? How many Sets? How many Reps do I have to do to get results?
Now there is no absolute formula for this question, as what works for one person may not work quite so well for another, but I'm going to do my best to give you the best answers to help you achieve your goals, whether it is to increase and build lean muscle for symmetry, a personal look that you would like to achieve, or if your goals are to look and feel better overall.
When weight lifting there are three main weight training goals:
Developing muscular endurance
Developing muscular hypertrophy
Developing muscular strength
To determine what your weight training goals are, here is a breakdown of each one as well as recommended reps, sets and weights for each particular goal.
Muscular Endurance is the capacity of a muscle to repeatedly contract over a period of time without undue fatigue. People who use muscular endurance tend to be runners, triathletes and swimmers.
Weight loading for muscular endurance is: Light
% of 1MR: 60-70%
Reps: 12-20
Sets: 2-3
Rest time between sets: 20-30 seconds
Muscular Hypertrophy is the goal of those looking to cut, define and increase in size. People who seek muscular hypertrophy tend to be bodybuilders, physique competitors and some fitness competitors.
Weight loading for muscular endurance is: Moderate
% of 1MR: 70-80%
Reps: 8-12
Sets: 3-6 (notice the increase in sets versus those seeking muscular endurance)
Rest time between sets: 30-90 seconds
Muscular Strength is the ability of a muscle to exert maximal force in a single effort.
People who seek muscular strength tend to be power lifters and football players.
Weight loading for muscular strength is: Heavy
% of 1MR: 80-100%
Reps: 1-8 (notice that the reps have gone down dramatically)
Sets: 3-5 (sets are less than those seeking muscular hypertrophy)
Rest time between sets: 2-5 minutes (also note that your rest time between sets is almost 4 times higher than both muscular endurance and muscular strength)
With above information, we can now get into a specialized weight training program that will work best for you and your personal fitness goals.
Super Set Training:
Defined as performing two exercises that train opposing muscle groups without rest.
Goal achieved: Muscular hypertrophy
Compound Set Training:
Defined as performing two different exercises that work the same muscle group without rest between them, such as one set of bench press followed by a set of dumbbell flyes.
Goal achieved: Muscular hypertrophy
Pyramid Training:
Defined as multi-set training where your loads become progressively heavier or lighter between sets of the same exercises. As your load increases, the reps decease.
Goal achieved: Muscular strength
Multi-Set, Same Load Training:
Defined as performing an exercise more than one set with the same load.
Goal achieved: Muscular strength
Keep in mind that there are other options for your training program and goals, and I always recommended consulting a Certified Personal Trainer or Certified Athletic Trainer to assist you in getting started and making sure that you're following the above basic guidelines for strength, endurance and hypertrophy.
If you would like more information on the above type of programs and how they would play out for you, drop me an email – [email protected] – and I'll be more than happy to answer any questions that you have.
Until next time, stay strong and focused on your goals!
Fitfully yours,
Taylor Made Fitness
619.987.9691 cell/text
[email protected]
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