

Jami's Journey in the Offseason: Achieving Balance......

Jami's Journey in the Offseason: Achieving Balance......

424 2Achieving balance in the off-season is difficult for most athletes and I am definitely no exception. It is even more difficult during the holidays when stress and temptation are high! This year I have the added pressure of my new gym opening. So how am I coping with this challenging time? Simple, I follow the four P’s.

PRIORITIZE. I have to prioritize and plan for the unexpected. I eliminate excuses to get off track.I keep a clean kitchen. This helps the entire family. Just because I’m not on a contest “diet” it’s still important to eat foods that are nourishing and healthy. I take advantage of the time off to add more variety.

PAY ATTENTION.  I pay attention to my triggers and do my best to avoid them. I know in advance the times of day that my cravings come on and make sure I eat prior to going into a weakened state because I’m hungry.  Certain foods are also triggers like foods with sugar or foods that are processes and contain artificial ingredients. Eating natural foods helps to regulate my body and keep me feeling great!While eating I pay attention and take my time. Eating while watching TV or any other activity that takes my attention encourages mindless overeating.

PLAN:  Having a plan and sticking to it are critical.  I write out my daily plan that reinforces my commitment to it.  I practice conscious eating. Making healthy food appealing helps me stay on track. When the plate is full of beautiful colors, smells and flavors I don’t feel like I’m sacrificing anything. I love making healthy versions of dishes.

PERSPECTIVE.  Keeping perspective with 2 teenagers, a new business and all of the other little stress points is key.  The bottom line with perspective is to recognize the little things are just that, little things.  Stay focused and stay on plan.  I still believe in giving myself a break. Indulging a bit on occasion helps keep me sane. I also give my body a break from cardio and fat burners. I like to take a little time to slow down and let me body rest. The result is when I begin competition prep again my body responds dramatically.  Perspective requires that I keep a positive attitude.  Surrounding myself with positive influences and keeping a positive attitude reduces cortisol that can increase cravings and weight gain.  

The holidays are a time to be surrounded by friends and family. I am blessed to have so much love and positivity in my life. It’s nice during this season just to slow down and let the people I love know how much I appreciate their support and encouragement. My husband continues to be my rock.  Competing requires a team effort and everyone that has been in my corner shares my success. I couldn’t do it without them.white kneel

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