

Spotlight On: Figure's Valarie Sanford

Valarie Sanford

Category you compete in: National Figure
Date of birth: 11/26/72
Hometown: Mesa, AZ
Career: Personal Trainer

If you could change into a superhero for a day who would you be and why?  My first thought is Black Widow. She will out-think you, out-smart you and kick your rear before you even realize it. Yet she is fragile at heart and a true friend to those around her.  Pretty amazing person if you ask me.  But that is who I would want to be for more than just one day!  So, if I only have one day....for sure it would be AquaMan!! Why?  Because I used to be a dolphin trainer and I miss those happy faces!  I can't begin to imagine how completely amazing it would be to not only be around them again, but to have such a strong connection with all of the animals of the sea.  Imagine what I could learn and do with the knowledge I could gain in just one day of understanding their world!!!  One day. It would be EPIC!
What made you begin dedicating your lifestyle to this sport?  After having my second child, I wanted to train with a purpose. Not just go through the motions.  I needed a challenge. I needed a goal. I wanted results.  That is when my life-style really went from being a hobby to a life change. I thought I knew a lot about health and fitness but once I began competing, it took my knowledge and experiences to a whole new level.  Once I experienced first hand how much control I had over my health and body I wanted to share it with others so they could achieve their goals as well.  What a feeling!!!!

valariesanford3What approach do you take to dieting...carb cycle..keto?  My approach to dieting...It's All About Balance!  My clients hear me say that all the time.  If you are patient, persistent and consistent, you will learn your body very well.  Finding out what foods work the best for you, how much of them you need and how to prepare them is key.  Having things off your "diet" once in awhile is good! Enjoy life! If you are taking good care of yourself, a small treat once in awhile will not destroy a lifestyle of good habits.
I have tried many things like carb cycles, depleting, cheat meals, and just macro counting.  I believe everyone is different and what works for everyone is different.  As time goes by, my own body responds differently even if my diet is the same.  You have to be willing to adjust and adapt and not get caught in a repetitive cycle.  Again, the better you know your body, the easier it will be to recognize what it responds to.

What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about competing?   This is an excellent question!!!  Wow! I think the biggest misconception people have about competing is they think its about showing oneself off.  I do believe there are some athletes who unfortunately do fall into this category.  However, the vast majority of my fellow athletes do not view this sport that way at all.  This sport is about going after it every day. You do not get time off, a day off or more than one meal off per week.  It is constant, whether you feel well or not, have plans for the weekend or not, whether you are tired or not.   You keep at it!  This can be especially challenging when our society is so centered around food.  It is more acceptable to carry around a large fountain cup drink than a gallon jug of water.  It is more acceptable to have a McDonalds bag then a cooler of cold fish and asparagus.  There is such respect for fellow athletes when I compete.  There is no poor sportsmanship that I have ever experienced.  Each of us knows the sacrifices that have been made to reach that day on stage.  We have that common bond.  Then, once we share our photos of the completed project, it can be viewed as us bragging and wanting attention for the body we have sculpted.  What would be the difference if one had spent a year on a project at home, or a work of art?  We choose to put our efforts into building a healthy home for our minds and bodies.  Its not about showing off, it is about illustrating that if you give it all, you can achieve great things!

valariesanford2What is your most embarrassing childhood memory?  That is an easy one.  It was actually high school.  I hope that counts as childhood.  It was in swim class. I had to dive off the diving board.  The entire grade was watching me take my turn.  Little did anyone know, I have a fear of diving. (this proved to be a big challenge for me when I became a dolphin trainer and had to dive all day!  A situation I have never told anyone...until now) so anyway...I belly flopped horribly!!! It was awful!  But, my teacher must have had pity on me because I passed! But it was the worst and most embarrassing day ever for me.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned about YOURSELF during your contest prep?  The biggest lesson I have learned about myself during contest prep came from something my husband said.  It was exactly what I needed to hear in that moment and I have reflected on it more times than I can count.  We were sitting at the table with our small children and they were all eating something amazing.  I was obviously not sharing in the enjoyment of this meal and was probably not too happy about it.  He looked at me and said, “its your choice”.  And he was correct. I alone was making the choice to dedicate my efforts to reaching my goal.  Every day it was a choice. I could stop whenever I wanted. I could cheat, I could quit. Or, I could be stronger than the temptations around me.  Show my children that I was going to see my goal through and that takes many decisions that only I can make for myself. One of which was to eat as healthy as possible.  I alone am responsible for my decisions and they will define me.  So, when I feel weak and things get rough, I tell myself I have a choice.  One of my all time favorite quotes is, “Your life is not made of the dreams that you dream, but of the choices that you make”.  My husband reminded me of that.  I learned I am choosing this and I am strong enough to accept the tough moments and see my dreams become reality.

Who do you look up and admire and why?  Eleanor Roosevelt is remembered for being such a motivational woman.  She is known, among other things, for her many influential quotes.  She was respected in a time when women’s roles were not what they are today. She made people look at life, decisions, and self-worth in a new way.  I admire her because I feel she empowered women to look at themselves with a higher respect and that gave them confidence.  I think she was brave and strong. I can only hope to have a small effect on the women I meet.  She makes me realize how one phrase can change one’s outlook and shape the course of history!

Competition history:
    NPC Musclecontest Championships : 1st Figure Open.  1st Jr Masters.  Overall Masters Winner
    NPC Natural Western:   2nd Figure Open. 2nd Jr Masters

    NPC California State BodyBuilding: 1st Jr Masters
    NPC L.A. Championships: 2nd Figure Open. 2nd Jr Masters
    NPC Nationals Las Vegas 16th

    AZ Terminator: 3rd Figure Open.  3rd Jr Masters
    AZ Open:  3rd Figure Open. 2nd Jr Masters
    NPC Western Regional: 4th Figure Open

    NPC AZ Open:  3rd Figure Open
    NPC Western Regional:  3rd Open. 5th Jr Masters

Next competition:
Masters Nationals July 18 and 19, 2014 Pittsburgh, PA

Favorite Motivational Quote:  “I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday”  -Eleanor Roosevelt

Who would you like to thank?  I am blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. My parents have been a wonderful example for me and raised me to love and have faith in the Lord, which has been my foundation.  My husband is my biggest fan and without him and the love of my cheering kids, I would not be brave enough to step out of my comfort zone and chase my dreams! Thank you all.

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