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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On: Natalie Calland (NatNat)

Spotlight On: Natalie Calland (NatNat)


Category you compete in: IFBB Figure Pro

Date of birth: December 28, 19662008 Team U14

Hometown: Columbus, OH

Career: Personal Trainer 10 yrs., The Fitness Factory

Worked in Div. 1 College Athletics for 15 yrs.,

The Ohio State University Buckeyes, and

University of Washington Huskies.


What is your favorite contest prep recipe? I like yams on the grill! I prepare a bunch at a time to last all week…

Here’s how you do it:

1.    Wash, peel & quarter cut yams.

2.    Put in a large Ziploc bag, add a Tbsp. of flax or olive oil, pinch of pepper, & any other seasoning you can have while in contest mode.

3.    SHAKE to cover yams with mixture.

4.    Indirectly grill the yams by putting them on the top rack of your propane grill, or around the perimeter of the flame on your charcoal grill. 20-30 minutes, till they are soft.


What part of your physique are you currently working on?

This question made me laugh! Because my first thought is… my whole body hurts, I’m just working on everything! (I know the question really means do I want my back wider or my shoulders bigger, etc.?) But…my lower back is so bad right now & for some reason my knee caps have starting some weird shooting pain thing. At 44, I’m just training and working my butt off in the gym! -I remember several times thinking, How will I change for next year & is it possible? It is! Each year, I have brought a different package to the stage, hopefully growing and maturing each time.


Name one piece of nutrition/fitness advice that has stuck with you. I’m pretty sure for most of us, the fitness piece is the easy & fun piece. Nutrition can be difficult, and the advice that I always go back to is BALANCE. Seriously, I cannot stand using that word; it’s overused and under explained. But it’s true, balance is key when it comes to nutrition. How many girls have you seen with so much discipline and determination during the season, and then you don’t even recognize them in November and December?? As a trainer for The Fitness Factory, a competitor and just a regular girl who figured it out, it’s the single question I get asked the most! Oh, believe me, I’ve had my moments when the whole chip bag is empty and I swear I didn’t do it, but I’m the only one in the room. Lately though, I have found some inner peace that (in addition to other things) has allowed me to eat clean, have my wine & chocolate moments and not hate myself for doing it. It’s ok to indulge, just not every day. It’s ok to pray for strength, and you can do that every day! It’s not ok to make excuses, or to blame the food pusher at work, or whatever holiday it is. It’s not ok to eat little kid food. Go explore new foods, new tastes & figure out a way, just figure it out, do things different. Keep your mind and body clean & healthy… they go hand in hand. If you simply cannot do it alone, find a leader to follow. A well-traveled path, with lots of winners, is usually a good one J.


summer08 photoshoot3If you could compete in one other event (FBB, physique, figure, fitness, bikini) which would it be and why?

I think fitness is cool! I considered switching to physique. But I’m sticking with figure. No new tricks for this old dog.


Why NPC: THIS is a really good question. And I know there have been many competitors switching to other federations in the past couple of years for various reasons. I’m staying with IFBB and will continue to guide the competitors that I train to the NPC for the same reason I started there. The competition is fierce, the rewards are great, and the IFBB/NPC circle is tight (like family). In addition, the organization is the largest & most respected world-wide.

What do you like best about competing?

1.) The shoes! I’m a serious shoe addict, especially high heels. Shoe love is true love baby. 2.) My other answer is, I love the preparation. Competing is a reward for hard work! To be recognized and awarded for a passion that is so meaningful in my life and one that I love sharing with others is a pretty big deal!

What are your goals for the future?

Someone just asked me the other day how much longer will I compete. My answer is… until I don’t feel like it anymore. Or, till someone tells me to get my 60 year old butt off the stage I guess! –My real life future… to find love, to see my children find success in their own lives, to help many people be their best through fitness and health, and to be a good $$ saver.

Competition history: My first show was the 2004 NPC Northern Kentucky. I competed twice that year, and then began training with Mike Davies in 2005. I competed in approx. 7-8 shows every year until I turned Pro at 2008 Team Universe!



EuropaShow of Champions


Cal Pro


Atlantic City Pro


Kentucky Muscle






Phoenix Pro



Next competition: Kentucky Muscle, Nov. 5, 2011

Hobbies: Hanging out with my kids, I have 3. My son Brandon is 25, he graduated from OSU & teaches English in South Korea. My son Ryan is 23, he is in college in North Carolina and works full-time. My little princess, Alyssa, is a senior in high school!

Other than that, I work full time & I train hard. And I love to share a bottle of wine with good friends! 

What is the biggest lesson you have learned over the years when it comes to competing?

I began competing in 2004, I showed up at every show to win, and while a winning attitude is a great one… someone who doesn’t “lose” well should be ashamed of themselves. That was me. I was never mad at anyone but myself, but I was so hard on myself that no one probably knew that. My lesson wasn’t in my “losses”, although I saw every single one that wasn’t 1st place as a second place loser. My lesson was in remembering who I am, where I came from, and what I represent.

I turned Pro in 2008 at Team Universe. It was amazing, incredible & fantastic! I competed as a Pro in 4 shows, with the same crappy attitude that had doomed and gloomed me as an amateur. Then I took a couple of years off, not on purpose, it just happened. –Recently, I competed at the Phoenix Pro and it was by far my very best show! My head was in the right place… I was HAPPY TO BE THERE! I really was, and it was amazing, incredible & fantastic! I think you can see it in my eyes, my smile, and my oh-so-fabulous gigantic hair (that my mom styled!). I returned to Columbus really proud of what I had accomplished… a respectable come-back to the stage at 44 yrs. old, a much better perspective on what I expected of myself, and a huge appreciation for being able to stand on stage with 30 of the most fit and beautiful muscled up women I have ever seen!

What is your favorite contest prep supplement? I have a contract with Met-Rx and Worldwide Sports Nutrition. I love the Whey Protein in the powder and the ready to drink cans!082

Favorite Quote: This is something my trainer, Mike Davies, says…

“If this was easy, everyone would do it.”

Mike is my coach, he inspires me in the gym, he is my boss & my mentor in business, and a really great friend! People come in and out of our lives for a reason and I’m so glad our paths crossed!


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