



securedownloadBorn and raised in Alberta, Canada, Taryn Foley was a devoted track and field athlete throughout her high school years. On leaving school her restless and inquisitive spirit led her on a voyage of self discovery which included living and working on the east coast of Australia and backpacking in Thailand...not to mention landing a contract with Disney World.
Of course the biggest story of all is Taryn's transformation into a fitness model and national competitor, losing 50lbs and 12 sizes in the process.

I recently caught up with Taryn to find out more about her journey through life and her amazing transformation...

First of all can you tell us a little about your background....I believe you were something of a ‘natural athlete'...?

"Yes, I am very proud to have grown up as an athlete thanks to my parents who had me signed up in every sport possible at a very young age. I was always competitive and extremely active, I loved all sports but track and field, soccer and snowboarding became my favorites! I devoted all my time after school training for track meets and playing soccer. Then on the weekends I practically lived in the local ski  resort. Sports were everything to me, all the way up to high school graduation."


When you left school you decided to take off and explore the world...what do you think created this wanderlust within you?

"That is a really good question! I've always been extremely inquisitive and loved learning about new places and meeting new people. I was a huge social butterfly growing up and loved exciting adventures. As soon as I had the opportunity to ‘spread my wings' and see the world with my own eyes, I took off. It was literally a couple months after graduation! I've always had this mentality that life is short and there is so much of the world to experience. I truly have a free spirit and LOVE to travel and meet amazing people."


Care to give us a rundown of the places you visited?

"Wow, I think I could write a book on that question alone but I'll make it brief! After high school I spent one year working and traveling the east coast of Australia experiencing everything from sky jumping, sailing, surfing and scuba diving to being attacked by parrots, lost in Sydney and finding a snake wrapped around the toilet I was about to use! After coming home, it was apparent that I once again had ‘itchy feet' for more adventures. I packed my bags and spent a season working on a ski resort in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, where I got to go snowboarding every day. Still needing adventure in my life, I took a few shorter trips to the Caribbean followed by a 40-day backpacking trip to Thailand. Finally, I told myself ‘one more trip then I will settle down and go to college' so I landed a contract with Walt Disney World in Florida and I ended up meeting my husband in the Bahamas while I was working there... and that is how I ended up living in south Florida permanently. "


2031Now going back to your athletic beginnings, I would hazard a guess that all this travelling didn't exactly lead to the healthiest of diets or allow for much in the way of working out, right?

"Despite being an athlete my whole life, my nutrition was never great, I was a picky eater growing up and had poor eating habits. A lot of it was due to simply not knowing what was healthy and the benefits of a balanced diet. I always made excuses to eat junk and convinced myself that I was young and I would burn it off. Then when I stopped playing sports and started traveling after high school, my waistline paid for it. When you are traveling on a budget, eating healthy and finding a gym is just not a priority."

So having realized that you were losing a grip on your weight I am sure you had many ‘that's it...I am going on a diet' moments but what was it that really triggered you into regaining control of that area of your life?

"I sure did have a lot of ‘that's it...I am going on a diet' moments! However, seeing pictures of myself in a bikini on the beaches of Thailand is what really triggered the whole ‘lifestyle makeover', as I call it. I was so embarrassed and could not believe how chubby I had become. I actually contacted the tour guide and told him I did not want to be featured on his website and told my girlfriend who I traveled with, not to post any bikini pictures of me. That hurt a lot to know how little confidence I had. I knew I needed to change and it has been a one-way street for me ever since that day."


What was your weight at this point in time and how did you begin the process of regaining control?

"I get asked a lot how much I used to weigh, but to be honest  I'll never REALLY know my heaviest weight because I was scared to death of the scale! I was heavy and felt uncomfortable and did not fit in any of my clothes, so I avoided the scale because I knew it would make me feel even worse. However, I know that it was at least in the 160's and I was definitely a size 14. The process of regaining control was small and gradual. I started researching nutrition and picking up health magazines. One small change lead to another, and then my pants kept getting looser and looser as my waistline shrunk. I remember how amazing I felt when I fitted into a size 10, and then the next time I went shopping I was size 8 ... It was such a confidence booster! "


What would you say your biggest temptations were food wise?

"I loved eating chips, crackers and pasta. I also ate a lot of cheese and bagels. Wow I have come a long way... I cannot imagine eating like that anymore!"

As for the gym, did you immediately head for the weights and what was your strategy?

"Being a ‘natural athlete' my whole life, I was never intimidated by the gym. I always enjoyed working out, my biggest problem was the nutrition and staying DEDICATED to an exercise plan. I love lifting weights and always have. I would ride my bike to the local gym after school when I was 15 yrs old. As for a strategy, I would copy a lot of the workouts in my fitness magazines."


Tar5Were there times when motivating yourself to keep going with this new regime was hard and how did you overcome those moments?

"Honestly, once it really ‘clicked' for me and I started seeing the results, it was not difficult to stay motivated. Like I mentioned above, it was small and gradual changes and I did not give myself a deadline to be a certain size or weight. I enjoyed the process and took it slowly. That way I really developed a new lifestyle, as opposed to a crazy crash diet, only to gain all the weight back."


I believe you have done quite a lot of fitness modeling. How did that opportunity come about and how difficult an area is that to crack?

"Believe it or not, even when I was overweight years ago, I dreamed of having a toned physique and being a fitness model. At that time, it seemed impossible. However, I love challenges and always set goals for myself, so when I got to my ‘ideal' size and weight  I still wanted more. That's when I looked into competing and really taking my physique to the next level. Competing is what opened the doors to fitness modeling. It is a difficult area to crack, but if you are dedicated and it is your passion, you will succeed. I truly love showing my creativity with modeling; it is a form of art."


You also recently entered the world of competition...how was that experience for you?

"Entering my first competition was an amazing experience. The sense of achievement when you walk on the stage, knowing you worked so hard to get there, is amazing. I also really enjoy being surrounded by so many other motivating and inspiring women who share the same passion and drive."


Given all your travelling and then the whole physical transformation you have undergone...what do you think the biggest change you have felt within yourself and your general attitude to life is?

"With all the life experience that I have gained through my travels and then transforming my body I have received an amazing gift. The gift of total freedom from any disbelief or negative talk I was guilty of years ago. I refer to it as totally freedom because I know I can achieve anything in life that I focus on. I live with passion and confidence everyday. The transformation changed my body, which in return transformed my mind and soul, allowing me to believe I can do anything!"


Tar3What would you say to someone who was having trouble motivating themselves or staying on track?

"It is easy to lose your focus and get off track from goals. People get busy and life will get in the way. Everyone can avoid this by using a vision board and putting it in a place you are sure to see it everyday, write down your goals and become accountable by telling people what you want.  I personally make a point to look at my goals and vision daily, so I stay committed and never let myself down."

So what can we expect from you in the future?

"The sky is the limit, my friend! I never let opportunities pass me by and I am determined to live life to the fullest. I will continue to grow in the fitness industry and learn from my mentors. You can expect the motivation and inspiration to continue by sharing my own transformation story. I will soon have my Certified Personal Training certificate then will obtain other certifications such as nutritionist, and wellness coach. I dream of becoming a spokes model and motivational speaker. I love to entertain people and being in front of a camera. I am truly excited to see where my career takes me!"


Finally, how can readers contact you?

"I am very excited about my new FAN page on Face Book - Taryn Shea Loughran- Fitness Model

Also, I started a You Tube channel called TarynSLoughran

Follow me on twitter - TarynSLoughran



Leigh Penman

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