

How I Healed My Emotional Eating in One Day!

How I Healed My Emotional Eating in One Day!


"When the Mind is in Balance, Everything Operates in Harmony"




Yes, you read that right, “in ONE day”.  How yQuit-Smoking-How-to-Cease-Smoking-With-Hypnosis-1164ou ask? I was hypnotized!  The quickest way to understand hypnosis is to view it as a training requiring the logical (conscious) mind and the emotional (subconscious) mind to cooperate with each other. I have spent the last two years working on my spiritual side. Hypnosis gives the mind a message that is far stronger than most other communications. When we use hypnosis, it becomes a clear channel for all information to be heard and usually accepted by the subconscious mind because of the calmness of this type of communication.  Thru my practice of Dahn Yoga I had already learned many of the prerequisite skills necessary to, successfully, be hypnotized, including learning how to relax your mind and how to bring your mind deep inside yourself. In the last two years, through the process of meditation, I learned to change my way of thinking and my perspective on anything!  So it was a shock to me when I came off of my contest diet and started hoarding food, gorging, indulging in destructive behavior! I thought I had such good control of my conscious mind and it was driving me crazy as to why I couldn't stop eating! I would tell myself to stop...but it wasn't working! Meditation wasn't working, writing notes such as "STOP it you fatty" on my hand wasn't working.......NOTHING was! So I stumbled into a bad place where I gave up on everything I knew, spiritually, and began placing blame on anyone and anything.  Until one low key Friday night!  


Let's begin this story by stating that I wasn't leaving my housprovidence hypnosis rie much, wasn't in the mood to socialize and really wasn't myself. I was hanging out with my neighbor one Friday night, chillin and relaxing on the couch, when she said to me..."I can't stop smoking! I have been smoking for 15 years and now that I found out I’m pregnant, I have to stop!"  I said, "Don't you wish someone could just tap into your mind and..SNAP...it would cause you to not want one anymore." and she said, "Yeah...if only it was that easy." I JOKINGLY said, "I could hypnotize you, since mediation isn't working." I looked over to see her frantically tapping away at the keys of her laptop when she said, "I got it . . .I found the place." She then proceeded to pick up the phone and make appointments for both of us at the Garrett Hypnosis and Wellness Center in Chicago.  I thought I had lost all my marbles for going along with this plan.


On the day of the appointment, which took 2 hours, we watched a video on the process of hypnosis, met with a guy named Larry to discuss our background and our goals, and then went into a separate room to be hypnotized.  I went first.  I laid down on a padded reclining chair and calm music started to play.  All I can honestly remember is him talking to me, in a repetitive pattern, giving me instructions.  I felt my mind wander like I was daydreaming.  Next thing I knew I was waking up from what felt like a dream.  He proceeded to give me a CD to use at home to follow up using self-hypnosis.  I listened to it for two weeks every night after lying down in bed. I’m happy to say, finally, I mastered  the ability to take control of my subconscious mind.  While my friend went in for her appointment, I decided to take a walk down the block.  I watched people eating ice cream, observed a chocolate shop, and a bakery. I had absolutely no desire to stop in and even look.  I figured it was because I had just been hypnotized and that by weeks end I would be back sitting at Coldstone devouring a Peanut Butter Perfection.  My friend came out and we decided to spend the rest of the day hanging out.  By the time we pulled in the garage at 8 p.m. that night we both looked at each other and I said, "CRAP...it's been 6 hours and so far you have not had one cigarette and I haven't eaten myself into oblivion!"


A week later my friend hadn't touched a cigarette and I hadn't touchechicken cartoond a sweet! In fact, I started a new diet and was feeling like a whole new me.  I, actually, tried to split a desert with someone and got a horrible stomach ache.  I ate a protein bar and got the same stomach ache.  Now I sit here a month later and I’m completely healed and so is my neighbor.  The crazy thing is that I have no problems eating things with Splenda or Stevia, or even having fruit, but anything with real sugar and my stomach punishes me.  I have NO cravings for anything! It's great! Now, I know my stomach doesn't know the difference between Splenda and sugar, but my subconscious mind does! And my neighbor...can't stand even being around a smoker....it makes her sick to smell it! It’s great to be back in control of me! It was by far the best money I’ve spent in years! 





For more information contact:


Garrett Hypnosis and Wellness Center-Larry Garrett


3020 North Kimball Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60618            


(773) 395-6100      




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