

IFBB Figure Pro Essence Monet… Rising Above and Onto the Pro Stage #3

IFBB Figure Pro Essence Monet… Rising Above and Onto the Pro Stage #3

OAMGOver the last couple of years, every contest that I have prepped for, something seems to go wrong that nearly pushes me over the edge and makes me want to give up.  But the words “Give Up” or “Failure” do not exist in my world. So, I have always found some way to make it work and this time around was no exception.

About a month ago, my brother crashed the car that we shared. Now, I am not going to lie I was stressed but found a way to get to the gym and get my workouts in when I needed to. I biked to the gym and around my house, I ran outside, I rollerbladed to the gym and around my house, I did sprints up my street; I did plyo workouts outside… I FOUND A WAY AND MADE IT WORK!!!Now more recently, like ohhh I don’t know Tuesday, I lost my job. Yup, one week before my show… just lovely, lol. Was I upset, OF COURSE!!! But thankfully I had already booked everything and well there really is not backing out of the pro shows, so it was a relief that everything was done. So, in the end it will all workout (knock on wood).

Now, I am not telling you this so that you can take pity on me or feel sorry for me, because I don’t even feel sorry for myself. I am telling you this because guess what? S**T HAPPENS!!! These are the kind of situations and experiences that can either make you or break you. I choose to have them shape me into someone that is better than ever before. I have seen so many people just give up when it gets tough or make excuses for not being able to do something… And to be honest, I was that person before for a long time. But I came to this realization and it has always kept me going. God, always, always, always has a plan and you just have to believe and also that sulking, complaining, making excuses and blaming others is not going to get you anywhere. Who am I to b****h and complain about something that is in His will??? Does it seem so difficult to understand why things happen the way they do… YES!!! Of course it does, but that’s just us being human. I have never had the expectations of myself to be perfect and have everything in my life go according to my plan. Because quite frankly as much as I try to plan, it doesn’t matter at all. I have no control over anything that happens after I wake up and after I go to sleep. So why stress over it? Let things happen for themselves, whether good, bad or ugly. Just know that there is always a reason behind everything. At the end of the day it is ultimEMonetately your choice as to how you want to deal with, accept it, reject it, be mad at it or throw a tantrum about it… you get the point.

It has always been a personal thing of mine to stay humble, keep my head out of the clouds and be realistic and the bad things that happen from time to time help me stay that way. I am not saying don’t dream big or set huge goals, but just remember that sometimes things aren’t always going to happen your way…

So, with one week out from my Pro Debut at the Dallas Europa August 16th, I leave you with this… This is something my friend George sent to me when I was at tough point in my prep…

“In life, the person you become will not be determined by the things in life that come easy, but by the challenges you overcome.”

Until next time… Lift Heavy, Love Hard, Live Life, Stay Classy and Always Keep it 100

Essence Monet xoxo
IFBB Figure Pro

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