
The Art of Eating Big: Part 1

As bodybuilding goals go, weight gain leads the pack as the top objective of most teenage and collegiate lifters. At a time in which abdominal six-packs and beach bodies are marketed as the ideal, the fitness and bodybuilding magazines seem to be forgetting that, before we can whittle away bodyfat, we need to fill out our skeletons with a certain level of muscle mass. Otherwise, you'll walk around looking as if your shirt is still on the hanger. The need to "take up as much space as possible" is a natural masculine aspiration. This article will help you pack on those much-needed pounds.


Stuff I Like: 3-30-09

gymboss_r2_c1NewMen's Fitness magazine's February issue has an interesting article about Michael Karolchyk, owner of the Anti-Gym in Denver, Colorado. This particular personal training center specializes in results, at the expense of the dignity of their clients. Karolchyk utilizes his strong personality and a motivation style that combines boot camp and fraternity hazing to push his 400+ gym members to achieve dramatic changes in their fitness and body composition. This sums up his approach nicely:



Stuff I Like: 3-24-09

products_pop_srgNow that the glow from the Arnold Classic weekend is receding, it's time to look ahead to some of the supplement-oriented products I'll be reporting on.


Stuff I Like: 03-16-09

Thanks to everyone who kindly spent so much time with me at the Arnold Classic Expo. As always, I was the proverbial "kid in a candy store" for three days. Over the course of the next few columns I'll be presenting some very cool training tools, supplements and other goodies I found. Some of ‘em need to be hammered away at in the gym for a while, though. 


Stuff I Like: 02-27-09

HBlogo_rndResponse to my first product review column has been tremendous. Thanks to those who are writing in with comments, suggestions for future write-ups, and sending products.


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