

Rx Girl Articles

Women and Weights Over 50...

Fit over 50 - CoreyWomen and Weights Over 50...

It's Never Too Late and It's Never Too Early to get started!


Happy 2014 RxGirls! Now that the holidays are over, it's time to get back on track with your workout routines!

I want to address a segment of women that may feel their needs may have been unaddressed or ignored in the past.  As one of those tail end of the Baby Boom Generation (1946-1964) and as a personal trainer, I've found that many women approaching, in or past their 50's are more eager than ever to embrace exercise and maintain a certain level of fitness, health and energy.


Health-Related Disorders and the Female Athlete Part I: Exercise-Induced Amenorrhea

Health-Related Disorders and the Female Athlete
article2Part I: Exercise-Induced Amenorrhea

Exercise-induced amenorrhea refers to the lack of monthly periods caused primarily by intense exercise. It occurs when a woman doesn't have a regular period either because she exercises too much, eats too few calories or both. In order to have regular periods women need to consume a certain number of calories and maintain around 16 percent body fat or more. If a woman has too little body fat the ovaries stop producing estrogen and the woman stops menstruating.


Michele’s Magnificent Transformation!

PhotoGrid 1389756022357Michele’s Magnificent Transformation!

Earlier this year I decided to share a deeper and more intimate side of myself to the world on Facebook by sharing my transformation story. Many people have followed my fitness journey because of the motivational messages and posts on fitness I make and others knew part of my story. Regardless, I wanted to open up so that I may inspire even more people.  Sometimes people only see those of us in the fitness world as people who have always been in shape and look the way we do year round… Not! So, in a nut shell, this is my story!


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