

Rx Girl Articles

Strength and Conditioning Applied to Bodybuilding!

strengthandcondStrength and Conditioning Applied to Bodybuilding!

Strength and conditioning is a field of study and application that accesses the recommendations or training prescriptions for athletes to better their athletic performance.  This so called exercise prescription for the betterment of the athletic performance, if it’s a good program, should always be tailored to fit the needs of the sport and more specifically the position played in that sport, or the athlete as an individual.  Now, that being said, bodybuilding is not quite a contact sport or a sport that involves dynamic movements used in a game like setting.  This will affect bodybuilding as a sport in terms of training type.  However, bodybuilding borrows much of the foundational principles and basics that are also applied to athletes who train for pro and semi pro sports. 


Competition Spray Tanning Companies… Buyer Beware

lsr logo small 1 3 1Competition Spray Tanning Companies… Buyer Beware

A flawless tan on stage is one of the most important elements of a competition. Choosing the best color for you and the company to apply that color has become a Challenge.

Spray tanning has entered into the bodybuilding world. Not all competition spray tans are created equal. I hope to educate you and give you some tips and questions to ask before you choose your next “ Competition Spray Tanner“.


Effects of Shoe Type on Squat Performance

arnold-squatsEffects of Shoe Type on Squat Performance

Being a huge advocate on scientific knowledge applied to the practice of bodybuilding, sometimes it is important to introduce some new ideas to my fellow bodybuilders.  That is why I would like to introduce to you the article that I have come across in the past few weeks concerning the use of weightlifting shoes versus running shoes while executing a barbell back squat.


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