

Rx Girl Articles

Quick and Easy High Protein Lunches

Fajita Burger 1Quick and Easy High Protein Lunches

Let's face it: When it comes to eating leaner and healthier, we've got breakfast pretty much down to a science (i.e. egg whites, oatmeal, protein shakes, etc), but what we often have trouble with is what to eat for lunch, especially if you're working or always on the go!


Progesterone: A Closer Look

hormone-biopathProgesterone: A Closer Look

The most widely underrated and overlooked subject variable in any diet and exercise regime is hormones and/endocrinology.  What most people do not understand it is that the bodily hormones are the driving force for most all reactions in the body.  Especially the ones that have to do with physique oriented goals.  That is, anabolism and also the entire leaning out process.


Exclusive Interview With Alisha Neville: Unbreakable

1365563129317Exclusive Interview With Alisha Neville: Unbreakable

The name diamond is derived from an ancient Greek word meaning “Unbreakable”. Diamonds are known for their beauty, rarity, and for being one of the strongest and hardest natural materials on the plant. One of the things that make them so rare and so unique, is the way they’re formed deep within the Earth’s crust under unbelievably high pressure over the course of billions years. The process itself isn’t pretty or glamorous, but it is necessary in order to provide the world displays of unparalleled beauty.


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