

Rx Girl Articles

Eat Fat, Get Fit?

Heart Healthy EggEat Fat, Get Fit?

No carb, low carb, no fat, high fat, high protein, vegetarian, keto, paleo – there are so many diet “fads” out there that promise to give you a quick fix on that over  bearing belly some get in the winter months. There are even more claims that X-brand miracle pill will get you fit and in shape without changing your lifestyle, nutrition or physical activity. Yeah well… about that…


Fit and Focused With Allison Moyer: Cardio Strength Training- What & How

CST1Fit and Focused With Allison Moyer: Cardio Strength Training- What & How

If you’re stuck in the Mon-Fri/one body part per day/3 sets, 8-12 reps/ RUT (and it IS a RUT let me tell you) then this is going to be an eye opening post for you. Anyone who knows me, or who has seen me train, knows that my methods are bit left of the conventional center. For me, figure is about looking like an athlete, a FUNCTIONAL athlete. I want my physique to flow, to be streamlined, to have aesthetic, athletic appeal and good lines. If you want to LOOK athletic, you need to train like an athlete. Enter CST (Cardio Strength Training) which is the marriage of aerobic training with anaerobic training that results in one hell of an intense, fat burning, athletic physique building session.


The Science Behind Cheat Meals

pizzapicThe Science Behind Cheat Meals

Cheat meals seem to be a highly debatable topic among bodybuilders.  Do they work, do they hinder progress or even reverse progress?  The science behind how cheat meals actually work revolve around a few principles that need to be discussed.  These three principles are as follows: thyroid hormone output, 24 hour energy expenditure, and serum leptin levels.



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