TOP 10 Biggest Makeup Mistakes:
Do you make them?
Muscle Fiber Type
Moving away from my tendency to speak about the biomechanics of weightlifting and such, I will this time talk about some exercise physiology that I believe you may find interesting. I’ll say it now, I’m a bodybuilder by day and a nerd by night. I truly enjoy the science behind the sport. It intrigues me to see how intricately the body works and how I can change my body by diet and exercise. Anyways, for this article I want to talk about the two types of muscle fibers, slow twitch (Type I) fibers and fast twitch (Type II) fibers.
You're addicted to DOMS and you didn't even know it! What's DOMS? DOMS is delayed onset muscle soreness! That is that wonderful feeling that you have the day after a killer workout when you are too sore to sit down or too sore to reach up in the cabinet to reach that bowl. So that’s great you know you are sore and you had a good workout. But how does this work?
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