

Rx Girl Articles

The Prodigy Goes 1 on 1 With Debi Laszewski

OlympiPic2010The Prodigy Goes 1 on 1 With Debi Laszewski


Many of you know this bodybuilder who took 4th place in the Ms. International for her creative posing routines that "WOW" audiences everywhere.  She started competing at the age of 24 and was motivated to start lifting by watching the movie, "Terminator."  She has been in the industry for over 20 years and turned pro at the 2006 Nationals.  Debi enjoys empowering others to reach their goals and works training and dieting clients.  In this exclusive interview Debi goes one on one with me as I uncover all her innermost thoughts.



Rachel Mac. . . Bikini's Madam Butterfly!

IMG_9797 Web size Low res enhnc grn 2IMG_0773I named this article not with my mind attached to the operatic concept (surprise!) but with my focus on the metaphysical metaphor of the butterfly. The butterfly is a symbol of metamorphosis and transformation. It is a sign of letting go of the old and fully embracing the new and I can’t think of anyone better to embroider with that concept than Rachel Mac.

Rachel is a commercial litigator working out of Chicago, Illinois and her physical transformation came to me one day via a newsletter from Quest Protein Bars. I was immediately astounded by her ‘before and after’ pics and immediately tracked her down to find out more. So here, without further ado, is her story….


Buff Biased Bodybuilders: A Figure Girl's First Account

Buff Biased Bodybuilders: A Figure Girl's First Account

Often accused of being witless meatheads, hard-core bodybuilders can Eyesexperience varying reactions from outsiders ranging from admiration to animosity.  A confession would be appropriate here:  before I started in the sport of bodybuilding, I mistakenly assumed that bodybuilders were vain, mindless creatures.  That harsh statement was proven to be utterly false once I began training to compete in Figure.


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