

Rx Girl Articles

Tanji Johnson STOMPS Her Way To RX Muscle...

tanjiTanji Johnson STOMPS her way To RX Muscle .....

Many of you may have seen her STOMP routine at the Arnold or at many of the guest posing appearances she has made.  Tanji serves as a Fitness, Figure & bikini coach to her Save Fitness Team that she founded in 2008. She co-promotes the Vancouver Natural Bodybuilding and Tanji Johnson Fitness/Figure Classic where over 235 athletes compete from all over the northwest.



Total Transformation #1 From 80 Pounds Overweight to an IFBB Pro Card in 2010

liftTotal Transformation #1

From 80 Pounds Overweight to an IFBB Pro Card in 2010

Michelle Battistta-McDonald-IFBB Figure Pro


After reading Michelle Battistta's story you will no longer have any excuse for not getting into the best possible shape. Despite the many obstacles she has faced, including, but not limited to self-doubt, pain, depression and 2 herniated disks in her back, Michelle found the strength to reach all of her weight loss goals and turn her physique completely around. As you will read in the following transformation, Michelle credits many factors for her success, not the least being a total will to better herself and an ability to have never taken her eyes off her goals.


Meet Brazilian Beauty Nathalia Melo


Meet Brazilian Beauty Nathalia Melo


Some people would simply follow their lives path whether they are happy or not.  They wake up each morning, go to work, get a paycheck and repeat the same routine the next day.  Take a look into the life of Nathalia Melo, a girl who is not only a risk taker, but chases her heart songs and never stops dreaming.  Nathalia dropped out of law school, sold her car, packed her bags and moved to the U.S, where she knew one person, had very little money and spoke very little English.


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