Meal Replacement Bars - Which Ones Should You Choose?
First, I want to say that I do not advocate eating a protein bar over real food. No matter what is in your store-bought protein bar, it is still a processed food, and is not a better choice to whole foods. However, there are brands out there that come close enough, and I would rather tell a client to grab a Quest bar over stopping for some fast food or other types of processed snacks available.
Taking your Egg Whites to the Next Level
If you’re tired of having the same old breakfast and your plain egg whites and oatmeal are starting to make you sick just thinking about it, here are a few delicious high protein variations to your morning breakfasts that you can try that will be a hit with both your stomach as well as your family:
Running the Fast Track to Fat
We’ve all seen them. Men and women spending countless hours running mindlessly on the treadmill like a hamster on a wheel or hitting the streets for mile after mile of pounding the pavement. All those people running their hearts out hour after hour, day after day, year after year, because they’re convinced it’s the key to that strong, lean, toned body they so desperately covet.
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